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Kerckhoff's Principle 본문


Kerckhoff's Principle

막다른골목 2009. 12. 14. 09:43

By Kerckhoff's Principle, One should always assume that the adversary, Eve, knows the encryption/decryption algorithm. The resistance of the cipher to attack must be based only on the secrecy of the key.

Why these algorithms should be made public?

 - they need yo undergo public scrutiny
 - it's better for security flaws to be revealed by "ethical hackers"
 - otherwise, reverse engineering may reveals the codes
 - also standards can be established.

※ 정리하자면, 비밀알고리즘들은 결국 공개될 것이고, 이때 미리공개된 알고리즘보다 취약점을 늦게 알아버린다. 따라서 알고리즘이 강력하지 않을 가능성이 높다. 알고리즘을 공개하는 것이 사전에 취약점을 알아내기에 유리하다. 

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