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네모난 세상
Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with the pentatonic scale
World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo. 흥미로은 쇼 ㅎㅎㅎ
카테고리 없음
2009. 12. 31. 10:03
드디어 뜨다!! 이상한 나라의 엘리스 예고편
버튼 형!! 이번에도 잼있겠지?? 응?? ^^
2009. 12. 16. 20:41
Kerckhoff's Principle
By Kerckhoff's Principle, One should always assume that the adversary, Eve, knows the encryption/decryption algorithm. The resistance of the cipher to attack must be based only on the secrecy of the key. Why these algorithms should be made public? - they need yo undergo public scrutiny - it's better for security flaws to be revealed by "ethical hackers" - otherwise, reverse engineering may revea..
2009. 12. 14. 09:43
[TED] MIT Media Lab 학생 강의
오픈소스라니 좋군 ㅎㅎ TED강연은 정말 즐겨들을만 하군 PT방식도 맘에들어
카테고리 없음
2009. 12. 14. 05:12